2020 Horsforth Championship points

Thanks to Graham Wilson for preparing the final 2020 Awards above, and well done to all the Award winners.
Obviously some awards are omitted due to event cancellations in 2020 and the qualification rules for club events changed to reflect that only 7 out of 10 planned events were run.
The Merit Cup, for those who have done most for the club, is usually, but not always, allocated to a hard working committee member but this time round was democratically awarded to the committee as a whole for the efforts made to run the trials which did go ahead under Covid rules. However it’s worth mentioning that Martin had a particularly onerous task trying to get to the bottom of the regulations and how to deal with them and Graham W was responsible for making the new entry and payment system work smoothly – thanks particularly to those guys.
Observers; In 2020 under Covid rules we weren’t allowed to have sections observed by riders hence the appeals to riders to bring an observer. At many Club trials where we would normally run 8 sections we planted 10 in order to avoid too many riders queuing at a section. Everyone rallied round and we had a great turnout of observers that enabled us to run all the sections as planned. Once again Barrie Smith took the Observers Award – lost count of the amount of times he’s won that over many many years. Just one event behind was Brian Ayrton who is famed for the amount of observing he does, not just for us but other clubs too. Also on the same score is Steve Hirst who brought his grand daughter Connie to observe and between them they had the highest score for the year. The usual suspects are all there at the top of the list, Chris Bancroft, Joe and Jane McLoughlin, Wendy Sherwin and we are eternally grateful for those observing stalwarts and indeed all those on the list for spending all the time they do ensuring the riders can enjoy their day. So while Barrie’s name shows on the award (again), it’s given in spirit to all those who have helped out.
On which subject we have a number of recent volunteers helping out on the kids conducted courses, which have also been Covid affected, so a big thanks to them for nurturing our stars of the future.

Graham S

Graham Excel Wilson has updated his points spreadsheet to include the final round on 13th December. In the interests of fairness he has also diligently added (in red) scores based on averages from previous trials for those riders who couldn’t enter the last trial due to the Covid restrictions at the time (i.e. outside of West Yorks tier3). These are the scores achieved.
(The ‘league table’ using best 5 to count is also up above it now).
Any queries contact hdmcltd@virginmedia.com