
Next meeting Old Kings Arms, Horsforth Town Street, upstairs, 7pm 6th March

Celebrating Horsforth Motor Club Centenary 1925 – 2025

Great news on our Basic Memorial Centre Championship Trial on Sunday 23rd March.
After much effort from our team, we have now all permissions in place again for the event on at North Moor Road Blubberhouses with format similar to last years.
Although there is much ongoing work with the A59 realignment a course of 2 laps of 18 sections is possible, but as access is restricted it will mean several parts will be subject to 2-way traffic.
Info and Entries which are open 1st March on Sport 80 at https://acu.sport80.com/public/wizard/e/204960
(Please do not open a registration unless you are entering).
Note: – there is no Youth C Class at the event and that it is not suitable for beginners.

Addingham results up along with CB’s write ups and link to pics – click on the Event

If you are looking at this on a phone,
the next and recent events and posts will be at the bottom so scroll down to reach them
for the 2025 points spreadsheet click on the ‘posts’ tab
Click on the ‘Events’ tab for the provisional events list for 2025

Renewing Horsforth membership https://acu.sport80.com/public/wizard/a/1517

A bit more info on trials, sections and severity here

Swaine Woods. As promised LCC Highways have installed a newly surfaced layby for parking. 
Until further notice this facility is only available at weekends as during the week it is a working site.
Respect this facility and leave as found. Do not spill fuel or oil on the new surface and take litter home. No riding outside wood and avoid dragging mud out onto new surfaces.

Last event 

For news on Horsforth Club’s Junior riders click on the ‘Posts‘ tab and select ‘Junior Forum’
            or select ‘Bob Owen‘ for a bit of history on this famous trial courtesy of Chris Bancroft

Click on ‘posts’ tab for the 2024 Awards


Horsforth riders at the challenging Lusky’s Leadmine Charity Marathon – well done lads!

Owner of the biggest cheque book in the world, Russ Brodie of the Horsforth Club handing over the £500 cheque in favour of the Prostrate Cancer charity to Robin Luscombe, organiser of Lusky’s Leadmine Charity Marathon run at Leadmines, Greenhow on 10th August. 

a few pics from the Basic


 click for video of section 16

A bit blowy on the moor

Club Series points list now produced courtesy of our new spreadsheet maestro Chris Bancroft – click on ‘posts’ tab above for latest

There is (STILL) a glitch on the membership recording on Sport 80 which does not always record your club in the entry system. I have hopefully resolved this, but should anyone not find the club on the list when entering an event please get in touch so we can rectify – Graham Wilson, hdmcltd@virginmedia.com 07772 724078

For the Horsforth printable events list (plus hopefully some national & local lists) click on ‘Events’ tab

Horsforth Trials branded Leisurewear is now available
Click here for info

Important note for competitors riding electric machines.
he ACU event insurers have imposed some additional risk prevention measures on electric machines therefore we have had to impose some restrictions and requirements on the entrants as follows:

  • Batteries must be changed 2m away from other vehicles/awnings or other flammable items.
  • Competitors on electric machines must provide an ABC (powder or CO2)type fire extinguisher.
  • Batteries must be OEM parts or CE marked approved alternatives.  
  • Batteries cannot be charged at the event.
  • Batteries and machines could be subject to inspection for obvious signs of damage.
  • Owners, parents or guardians should familiarise themselves with the type of battery fitted to the machine and should familiarise themselves with battery care.

Click on the specific Event (right on a laptop, down on a phone)
for more info before and results after


Which Route should I ride at the next trial? What colour flags do I follow?
Click on the Event in ‘Next Events’ to find out

If you know anyone who has never observed but fancies having a go,
let Graham W know on 07772 724078
For observing info click here  

Membership £10, (£5 Juniors 16 & under), plus £20 for Swaine Woods access,
Club Series Trials, £20 adults, £15 for juniors 16 & under, £10 conducted course
Other Trials – Open and Centre Restricted £25, Youth £20; Conducted course £10;
these will be specified on the Regs/Entry

New Members (and old!) – the Horsforth Club does not send out a ‘membership pack’ nor do we do newsletters or membership-wide communications via post or email; all relevant information can be found here on the website which is updated when anything changes so please keep visiting back here to keep up with what is new. 
We use Facebook to notify of events, results etc but remember that info is transient!

Not used What3Words yet? try it to find our venues; click  ‘Locations’ within the ‘Info’ tab, choose a venue and make a note of the 3 words which identify its location, then Click here 
Get the app on your mobi for simplicity & getting directions
(try ///bits.basket.ties for Swaine Woods)

The answer to 99% of questions about our trials can be found on this website
so please take the time to look before asking the question.
Quick answers to some favourites are;-

These ones are suspended since ACU Sport80 Online Entry
can I enter on day?

can I join Horsforth club on the day?
can I get a Horsforth club day licence?
can I get an ACU day registration on the day?

  what’s the start time? 11
How do I get there? look in Info/Locations or the Event

can I ride round with my son? only if you enter (insurance!)
which flags do I follow and how hard are the sections? click here
is it Stop Allowed rules? yes, except the 2 Yorks Centre & West Yorks trials 

what rider classes/club members are entitled to ride? look on entry system for that Event
When is Swaine Woods open for practice? any time, rules are here
nothing is more than 2 clicks away from this home page

 When accidents occur, everything comes under microscopic scrutiny particularly from a Health and Safety perspective.
Fortunately for the trials community, the sport has to date enjoyed a ‘light touch’ attitude largely due to the absence of speed as a component in competition so serious accidents are thankfully rare. Nonetheless rules do apply and the Horsforth Club (and hopefully all clubs) will be doing our best to comply with our obligations and ensure the safety of riders, officials and the public. You might therefore experience some changes to signage, procedures etc and we respectfully suggest that everyone who attends a trial abides by the rules, signage, requests or instructions from officials and listens to the pre event briefings.

Despite the organisers taking all reasonable precautions, accidents can happen
Please comply with all instructions from officials and notices 
and remain in permitted areas only

Bringing along an observer is like getting a free entry; £15 (£20 in winter if the weather is bad) is given to each observer to go towards their expenses of getting to the event etc
If you know anyone who wants to try it, click here for more info.

Quickest way to get to the most recent trial results (the last 3) is to click where it says the result over on the right (down below if you are on a phone) in the ‘Recent Events’ panel

Thanks to Simon Green we still have the same title sponsor for the Club Series; the trials are now named SGME (Simon Green Motor Engineers – Click on the ‘Sponsors’ tab in ‘Info’ for the place to go for your servicing).

Confused by the flags? – click here or check the observing rules here 

For specific Club Membership enquiries, please contact Graham Wilson directly either by email (hdmcltd@virginmedia.com) or phone (07772 724078) but NOT via Facebook 

All being well the Club Points Positions spreadsheet should be updated not too long after each trial so you can follow your progress throughout the year, click on ‘Posts’ on the menu bar above. 

Where are our Trials? Just about everything you need to know about a trial (including the results afterwards) can be found by clicking on that specific ‘Event’ including a map of the location. There’s a bit more info on the locations (and maybe even the nearest postcode and/or What3Words) in ‘Locations’ which is revealed when you mouse over the ‘Info’ tab.

RESULTS:- we always try to get the results up on the relevant ‘Event‘ page on here and there is a shortcut to them by clicking on the results message in the ‘recent events’ section just on the right (or below if you are reading this on a phone).
They are also either on, or there is a link to them at
www.facebook.com/horsforthtrials as soon as they are available (usually on the night of the trial unless something prevents it) so remember to have a look there – or if you are on facebook, ‘like’ our page and the results will come to you!
Quickest way for recent events is to click on the result line on the right here (or below if you are reading this on a phone) in Recent Events. For historical results just go the the relevant ‘Event’.

Also please remember the primary source of up to date info is here on the website so don’t just rely on 
Facebook, keep checking back here.

Youth bikes
Please note that ALL YOUTH PETROL and ELECTRIC BIKES must have a cut off lanyard fitted and used.
Contact Trials UK on 01132 81 82 42 for the correct lanyard (electric are different from the petrol versions).
Please also remember that Youths must wear long sleeved shirts and gloves when riding as per the ACU rules.

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