Horsforth Rebbecca Hoare Memorial Trial


21 04 19 Parkwood results

Please note Martin says these results are VERY provisional due to course changes etc

Trial regs and Entry form

This trial, formerly the Horsforth Presidents trial open to all ACU members and originally run on May Day Monday, has for a few years now, been renamed the Rebbecca Hoare Memorial Trial in memory of Rebbecca who ran the Parkwood Off Road Centre before her untimely and unfortunate death.

The winner will receive the Rebbecca Hoare Trophy, chosen by her dad David, to keep for a year.

The 3 route adult courses are harder than our club series trials but not quite as hard as a centre trial
plus there’s a 3 route kids conducted course.

Chuck Wagon as always will be present at Parkwood.

Usual 11am starting procedure, there will be a riders’ briefing immediately before the start; please attend and listen and don’t start bikes until the briefing has ended. All riders (and Parents/Guardians of under 18’s) need to sign the Signing On Sheet at or before the riders’ briefing.

As always, please try and bring an observer


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