Horsforth Bob Owen Memorial Charity Trial


Bob Owen Results 10 11 18

£1815 was raised at the Bob Owen Charity Trial.
Total raised since it’s inception in 1988 is a gnats cock hair shy of £60k

There will be a riders’ briefing immediately before the start.

Our annual Charity trial run on the Saturday before Remembrance Sunday.
An Open Event means ACU riders from any club can ride.
Stop Allowed, 3 routes, harder than our Club trials but not as hard as a Centre trial (so not suitable for beginners).
Plus 3 route kids conducted trial
Chuck wagon.
Start at 11am but please don’t start bikes until we have all the observers and are ready to go.
Bring an observer if you can, we need 14 and with this being a charity trial, this is the one occasion  observers do it for free.
We have raised something like £60,000 over the years for many good causes so please support this event and throw a few quid in the bucket too.
Regs and Entry form here



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