Horsforth Bob Owen Charity Trial


Bob Owen results

Post event write up on Trials Central as follows;
Horsforth’s annual running of the Bob Owen Charity Trial took place on it’s traditional Saturday before Remembrance day date at the popular Parkwood venue between Leeds and Bradford. Despite the heavy rain in the preceding days which left the venue a little muddy underfoot, Saturday turned out to be a fine if crisp day, ideal for trials. The 12 sections on the main course were set with due regard to the conditions leading to all three routes being won on single figures, but no-one quite managing to stay feet up all day. Danny Gamble took the Bob Owen Salver with just single 5 scored, similarly Peter Sharp had a single 5 to take the Matt Shelley Cup on the middle route and the first three riders on the easy route all had but a single dab; the experienced local rider Mick Kettlewell saved his dab for the last lap and took the Harry Wright Shield on count back. Veteran road racer Mick Grant coaxed his Bantam round for just 3 marks taking the Maurice English trophy for pre65’s. Thanks to all observers and officials who gave up their time freely and all who contributed to charity to make this another successful event, the final charity contribution will be totted up and published shortly.
Update; We raised £1476.65 on the day, total raised to date since it’s first running in 1987, £61370

This is an ACU Open event so anyone from any club with ACU registration can ride
Stop Allowed observing rules
3 route main course, easy, middle and hard.
All a bit harder than a club trial but not as hard as a Centre Trial.
(so not suitable for beginners but feel free to come and observe).
Pre 65’s, twin shocks etc will have no problems on the easy route.
There’s no Centre points at stake, so just come along and enjoy the ride.
Plus separate 3 route kids conducted course
Chuck Wagon
Usual 11am starting procedure, there will be a riders’ briefing immediately before the start; please attend and listen and don’t start bikes until the briefing has ended. All riders (and Parents/Guardians of under 18’s) need to sign the Signing On Sheet at or before the riders’ briefing.
In due respect to our observers there may be a section close time published; please note this is not an invitation to dick about until the very last minute, just a warning that if you run out of time any sections not completed will be ‘missed’ on the results.

09 11 19 Horsforth Bob Owen Charity Trial Regs and Entry Form

This Annual Charity Trial has raised £60,000 to date for good causes so please come, enjoy yourself and throw a few quid in the tin. As it’s a Charity Trial this one event in the year does not earn the observers their £15 towards expenses, but, for charity, please try and bring an observer or have a go yourself.


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