Horsforth Basic Yorkshire Centre Trial


Basic Results 260323 V2

Brian Ayrton’s pics here
John Rees’s video here

18 sections over 2 long laps over Blubberhouse moors
Adults and Youth ‘A’
No-Stop Observing rules
Being a Centre trial it is our hardest of the year so definitely not suitable for beginners
18 sections, 2 laps flagged in the usual way, hard (Red & Blue) Clubman B (Red & Blue with White & Yellow alternative gates), Clubman A, a middle 50/50 route to follow Clubman B except where indicated at start of a section to ride hard route.
Open to Yorkshire Centre Club riders for centre points
Skell Gill catering van will be present
18 Observers needed so a good opportunity for members not riding to bring their bikes to ride to the more distant sections to observe
If you can observe please let Graham Wilson know on 07772 724078
Summary of No-Stop rules here


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