Horsforth Basic Memorial Yorkshire Centre Trial


Basic Results v4

Big thanks to all the officials, observers and of course riders and the big fella in charge of the sun for a great trial . Results above; Summary below.
After all the rain it was a lovely sunny day at the Basic Yorkshire Centre trial on Blubberhouse moors on Sunday 11th March and a good day for the Hemingway family. After some hefty scores last year the sections were eased a bit this year and after the first lap it was Martin Crosswaite leading on a single dab, followed by Ben H on 2, last years winner Danny Gamble on 4 and Dan H on 8. Crosser had a ‘mare on lap 2 as did Danny, letting the consistent Hemingways through for Ben to take the win on just 5 and Dan almost catching Crosser for 2nd with Danny G just a point behind. Joe Faunthorpe took the A class win with a score that would have placed him 5th overall, Jamie Stephenson won the Clubman A route with Harry Hemingway winning the B class with a score that would have given him 3rd overall, Rob Hardisty won the Clubman B and George Hemingway the Non Competitive B class with a score that have put him in 3rd overall. Johnnie Fannon cruised to the win on the kids course. As always thanks to the observers and everyone who helped to make the trial a success.

Open to all ACU riders registered to Yorkshire Clubs.
NB, as this is a Centre Trial it is run to TRS22B No-stop rules.
Following 2017’s revisions, we will continue with that format in 2018.
Just as a reminder, the changes were;
New start area in the old quarry plant area,
2 laps of 18 sections,
Clubman courses included, Hard, Clubman ‘A’ (50/50) and Clubman B.
Club riders who don’t normally ride Centre trials please note that even the easiest Clubman B route is quite tricky and not suitable for inexperienced riders.
Having said that, we did say after last year’s event we would ease some of the sections as some scores were on the high side.
There’ll be a chuck wagon there.
Please note that this land is very sensitive and it’s vital riders adhere exactly to the marked route.

As always, there must be no litter dropped anywhere and there are sheep around which will be in lamb at that time of year so please either leave Muttly at home or keep him on a lead at all times.
It goes without saying that with 18 sections we will need 18 observers; this is a great opportunity for riders who may not be up to the challenge of the trial to bring their bikes, have a good ride out and observe a section. Please ring Nige at TrialsUK if you can do this. NB Observers get the price of an entry, £20, so if you bring an observer you effectively get a free entry.
There is plenty of parking in the quarry area so please don’t be tempted to leave your car/van on the road/verge.
11am start, please get there in good time so we can get cracking without delay.
Basic Regs and Entry Form


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