Horsforth 2nd 2018 SGME Club Series


SGME round 2 results v3

Results updated to version 3 at 11pm 1/3/18 – further updates on kids course.
Hope everyone enjoyed the trial.

Did you have any favourite or bogey sections?
Here’s a bit of section trivia – see how you did against the section averages here

Usual format, 3 route main course, the easiest is pretty easy, plus 3 route kids conducted course
TRS22A stop Allowed rules
Chuck Wagon
11am start but please don’t fire up engines until we have observers sorted and are ready to go.
Observers will get our cold winter weather rate of £20 at this event.
Remember, if you haven’t already done it, you will need your 2018 ACU registration and Horsforth Club Membership renewing for this trial – much easier to do it in advance from the comfort of your laptop rather than filling soggy forms in at the end of a long queue! See home page for info & link.
You can do it on the day if you’ve left it too late, £10 (£5 junior) for annual Club Membership or just £2 for the day, £3 for day ACU Registration – get there in good time.
Please don’t drop litter and clean up after dogs


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