Bob Owen Charity Trial


Bob Owen Results V2 12 11 22

£1940 was raised at the Bob Owen Charity Trial for ACU Ben Fund and Yorkshire Air Ambulance; thanks to all who contributed.
There’s a link on the home page to the photos courtesy of Brian Ayrton

NB Results updated – click the link to see Version 2 affecting the easy course
Run annually on the Saturday before Remembrance Sunday this trial has generated over £70,000 for good causes since its inception in 1988.
Entry via the ACU online entry facility, now open, to all ACU members (not just club members).
3 route main course, easy (green flags), medium (red/blue & white/yellow) and hard (red/blue); severity harder than our club trials (so not suitable for beginners) but not generally as hard as a Centre trial, TRS22A Stop Allowed observing, 3 laps of 12 sections.
Also a separate 3 route kids conducted course (subject to minimum numbers or riders).
We need more observers than usual for this trial and with it being a Charity trial this is the one occasion in the year where the observers £15 expenses are donated to charity. Please come and support this trial as it has been very successful over the years.
please let Graham Wilson know if you can observe on 07772 724078
And don’t forget it’s on the SATURDAY and bring a couple of quid to put in the charity box for the ACU Ben Fund and Yorkshire Air Ambulance (you might be a beneficiary of either or both one day!) 
Sorry, looks like the Parkwood cafe will NOT be open

Want to know more about observing click here
How hard are the sections and which flags do I follow? click here

11 am start


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