Riders, observers etc will need to show this pass either on your phone or hardcopy to be allowed past the traffic controls on the A59 & Stonehouse Crossroads Basic Trial Vehicle PassGreat news on our Basic Memorial Centre Championship Trial. After much effort from our team, we have now all permissions in place for the event on Sunday 24th at Blubberhouses.
Although there is much ongoing work with the A59 realignment a course of 2 laps of 18 sections is possible, but as access is restricted it will mean several parts will be subject to 2-way traffic. Also, with road closures in the area access to the event is restricted, but arrangements have been made for competitors on the day (see above)
Usual Yorkshire Centre Rules, for Yorkshire Centre Championship points, No-Stop observing, probably 2 long laps of 18 over the moors, not beginner friendly but a good opportunity for less competent riders to come for a ride over the moors to observe – organise in advance by contacting Graham Wilson on 07772 724078 or hdmcltd@virginmedia.com.
2 routes, red/blue hard, red/blue & white/yellow alternative gates for easiest Clubman B and a middle 50/50 Clubman A option, all routes harder than our club trials.
Exact start location will be advised nearer the time but info below and in the ‘Locations’ tab is close enough for now
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